
Condom Vending at MadGirlWorld

The MadGirlWorld bathroom hides a surprise!

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Callithump! Condom vending machines in the MadGirlWorld bathroom

That’s right, Callithump! Condom vending machines! This is an idea we had a while ago, but never got around to finding a location for. Honestly, the MadGirlWorld bathroom is way too upscale for them.

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The Blame Game and Play Hockney, two condom vending machine games.

Ultimately, I’d like to find a bar to host these, but it’s fun to hang out in the MadGirlWorld bathroom for now! Really, they were designed to be hung in a bar bathroom. The idea behind these is, well, the traditional bar bathroom condom machine is really kind of an odd thing. It’s a very singular set of circumstances. You went to a bar. You weren’t planning on having sex, so you don’t have any condoms with you. Suddenly, you’re going to have sex, and you don’t have time to swing into a drug store to buy decent condoms, so you have to pay exorbitant prices for crappy condoms with tacky names that have been sitting in a barroom bathroom for who knows how long… Anyway, it seems like a pretty unlikely situation! I wanted to create something a little more all-purpose to have on hand in a bar.

Lets not play The Blame Game!
Let's not play The Blame Game!

There’s Play Hockney, which lets you pretend you’re photographer David Hockney while you’re sitting around waiting for someone to show up. There’s The Blame Game, a game designed to stimulate conversation once they do. The Blame Game was inspired by the late president George Bush Jr.’s constant whine, “Let’s not play the blame game!” whenever someone suggested he take responsibility for himself. Since Republican’s believe that all fun should be prohibited The Blame Game must be something really fun! So I had to make it exist! There’s Good Question!, a set of questions to ask on a date, or if there are just too many awkward silences during an evening’s outing. For this, I scoured all the websites purporting to have the best questions to ask on a date or in a job interview. I decided that they were all lame, and came up with a much better set of questions, for example:

Who do you think is the worst person in the world? What would it take to get you to have sex with that person? Would it make a difference if you got to be on top?

Finally, we’ve got The Right Words. This is something I’ve wished I had on many occasions. You know those moments when you wish somebody’d said something to you? Like when you spend the whole day with your fly unzipped? And then you say, “Why didn’t you say anything?” and they say, “Well, I didn’t want to embarrass you.” As if that would have been more embarrassing than walking around for hours with your fly unzipped! Well, these are cards that say those embarrassing things for you, so you can quietly slip them to someone and to keep them from making things worse. Like, He’s Gay. Really. Or, She’s got a boyfriend and she doesn’t like you.

You can pass the buck for all your problems onto many others in The Blame Game
You can pass the buck for all your problems onto many others in The Blame Game

You can find all this fun in the bathroom at MadGirlWord!


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