Snack Art 2006 to Present

Snack Art 

Proprietor: Jane Naylor
Active: 2006 to Present
Location: Reverse Garbage, Sydney, Australia
Currently Accepting Submissions: Yes (guidelines)

Snack Art, debuted April 8, 2006 at the Casula Powerhouse in Sydney, Australia. It was curated by the diversely talented Jane Naylor. It resided at the Casula Powerhouse until March 2010, where it vended artwork alongside the usual tasty snack machine treats.


Using a snack machine to vend, which allowed her to set the prices of the artworks individually (unlike capsule, stamp and other vending machines that have fixed prices the machine vends at). Additionally, she convinced local vending business man Paul Long to provide the vending machine. By eliminating this overhead, she was able to give 100% of the proceeds back to the artists. Alongside the artwork, the machine still vended snacks, allowing patrons to feed body & soul from one machine!

In March of 2010, Snack Art parted ways with the Casula Powerhouse and Paul Long, and moved to Reverse Garbage. With the move came a new direction:

Reverse Garbage’s focus on salvage and reuse will be reflected in the work for offer in the machine.  Either the artists’ materials are intrinsically reclaimed , as in the form of collage, or the packaging, which we throw away, will use recycled materials giving us pause for thought over our nurtured predilection for shiny new plastic. I am personally glad to have this aspect as an overarching ethic for SnackArt since I struggle with in a world already stuffed full.


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