Callithump! needs artists, poets, and other creative types
to share their work through toy capsule vending machines.
We’ll make it worth your while!
We just can’t say exactly how...
Here’s the thing... We’ve wanted to put out a call for
submissions for a long time. We firmly believe that
creatives should be rewarded for their hard work. However,
the nature of Callithump! makes it hard to say
what that reward should be. If we were a fledgling print
publication, payment would be in contributors copies. If we
were a successful print publication, we’d pay in real
money! With Callithump! a “copy” doesn’t have the
same parameters as a print publication does. We
deliberately vary the amount of any given item in the
capsules. Sometimes a capsule can contain a unique item,
only available in that one capsule. Sometimes they’re as
many as fifty copies of the same thing in a single vending
To further complicate matters, we want to be open to every
kind of submission. For example, Kati McCarthy gave us a
digital file of several of her poems. These we took,
printed out very tiny, made nice little envelopes for them
so you’d kind of get the feeling of someone mailing a poem
just to you. On the other hand, Contance Pavliska gave us
fully completed artworks, already packaged and ready to be
put in capsules. Should we be rewarding Constance a lot
more than Kati?
Or we could just be paying cash, but honestly, we’re beyond
non-profit. We actually spend more money to keep this
running than we take in. It’s okay. We never went into this
intending to make money! But that’s just one way we
can’t reward our contributors. Not yet.
Anyway, we haven’t figured out how to reward you for
contributing, and that’s been keeping us from putting out
any proper calls for submissions. But we want you.
We need
you! We want to grow, and have more
Callithump! vending machines in more locations.
Right now, however, it’s almost entirely Matt and Jess and
they’re maxed out with just the three machines that are
going right now. Plus, it’s not much of a parade with just
two people. This will be much more fun, interesting and
rewarding with more people involved!
So, I’m going to turn the question over to you, dear
potential contributor! What would make contributing
worthwhile for you?
Answer here. We’re open to ideas!
Creativity should be unhindered and
without limits. Yeah, that sounds nice. Really, much
of the best work comes from operating within strict limits.
You can’t push the boundaries when there are no boundaries!
We’re looking for most any sort of creativity that
can be enclosed within a 2-inch capsule toy vending machine
capsule. This can include poetry, photographs, paintings,
or anything else that’s small, or can be folded or crushed
to fit that space.
We try for a “standard vending machine distribution” of
things. That is, you put in your 50 cents, generally you
get an item that feels like 50 cents worth of something.
Sometimes you’ll get something that seems of far greater
value, and sometimes you’ll feel ripped off.